Servo Star is a prominent Servo Voltage stabilizer manufacturer, providing a wide range of Servo Voltage stabilizers in India and an array starting from 5 KVA to 5000 KVA for residential, industrial and medical use.
Our Voltage Stabilizer is a highly technical architecture that gives excellent fluctuation controls at just 1% of voltage variation compared with a transformer type of 10%. We have both single step and 3-step Servo Voltage stabilizers to handle low and high voltage load pickup. An excellent power Transformer for total household protection, Servo Star is the brand that spells faith and trust keeping short circuit at bay. Meanwhile, we are also a prominent manufacturer of Isolation Transformer & Stepdown Transformer in Delhi /NCR.
To ensure a healthy and long-lasting life of your expensive equipment, give 100% reliable protection to your home and office. Always use Servo Star because of unmatched service assurance and affordable pricing for Servo Voltage Stabilizer, Power Transformer, Automatic Voltage Stabilizer and Isolation Transformer etc. Without compromise on quality, Servo Star is indeed the best choice of millions. If you ask for commitment, value and goodwill, welcome to Servo Star. With over 20 years of continuous success, Servo Star is the leader in its class.